Jeffrey E. Nehls, M.A.
​Anna C.V. Flores, M.S., M.A.
Jake M. Zieba, B.A.
Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Economists and statisticians can be particularly useful in public policy projects as numerous factors make these studies complex.
Economists and statisticians provide insight into these complexities including:
Untangling multiple funding sources for programs that include tax revenue, federal grants, fees/licenses, etc.
Identify funding that is highly dependent upon the fluctuations in the economy;
Service-oriented and/or non-tangible outcomes as opposed to for-profit motivation;
Limitations on the type and nature of expenditures;
Special focus on identifying unintended consequences and long-term economic impacts of decisions;
Use of more than descriptive statistics; i.e., develop models allowing for inferential statistics.
Colorado PERA

Build Our Homes Right

Arkansas River Conservation Cooperative

Colorado Legislative Council

Build Our Homes Right

And Many More