Jeffrey E. Nehls, M.A.
​Anna C.V. Flores, M.S., M.A.
Jake M. Zieba, B.A.

Business & Finance
Many companies encounter specific problems that directly or indirectly affect the way a business is managed, the level of revenues generated, and the impact on earnings and profits. Pacey Economics, Inc. has dealt with a broad range of business and finance-related issues for both litigation disputes and non-legal matters. The following provide some examples of our experience in non-litigation business and finance matters: The considerable expertise that have gained in litigation matters has broadened our current eligible worldview considering the following subjects:
Special expertise in valuation studies, for example, cost-benefit analysis of proposed projects, evaluating comparable publicly rated companies;
Provide theoretical foundation and empirical analysis in regulatory environments dealing with the competitive effects of regulatory decisions;
Analyses of market conditions on businesses/industries;
Provide economic advice on policy issues regarding mergers and acquisitions, diversification, and risk and returns;
Complex economic analyses of comparability of companies and markets as well as valuation of intangibles such as patents;
Verifications of financial projections for firms requiring independent corroboration for borrowing purposes.